Congressman Zach Nunn's Corporate Tax Priorities Are Out Of Whack

Congressman Zach Nunn supports billions of dollars in tax giveaways to large corporations. Iowa families are already paying more in taxes than some big corporations. It’s time for Zach Nunn to make those at the top pay their fair share.Learn more below about how big corporations get hundreds of millions of our hard earned tax dollars sent to them as a refund! And share the images below to help us spread the word that Congressman Nunn would make it even worse.

Congressman Zach Nunn’s Record on Taxes:

  • Voted for tax breaks for corporations.

  • Sides with corporations and the wealthy over working people when it comes to taxes.

  • Votes to protect the wealthy and corporate tax cheats from paying their fair share. He voted to slash funding for the IRS to enforce laws to make them pay the taxes they owe.

  • Opposed a law that made the biggest corporations pay a 15% minimum tax. Now, he’s part of a group in Congress that wants to repeal that corporate minimum tax.